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Reflection #2

iSci 3A12 - Climate Change – Fall 2024

Date Assigned 2024-11-18
Date Due 2024-12-03
Weight 2 points

As your climate change project winds down, this final reflection is your opportunity to reflect upon your experiences. For this submission, I’d like you to focus on two specific questions:

  1. How has your participation in this project changed your understanding and conceptualization of climate change? What are your thoughts on the issue, and how have they changed or matured from the first class?
  2. What changes do you think should be made to this project to improve it for the future? What worked well? What didn’t? What would you have liked to have learned more (or less) about?

Your reflection should have an absolute maximum of 500 words that express your thoughts/feelings/ideas regarding the questions posed above. Effective reflections are a synthesis of your thoughts/feelings/ideas/knowledge regarding an experience (e.g., discussion, experiential learning opportunity, lecture, etc.) and how that may support, change, or redefine your perspective on the issue or question at hand.

Reflections will be evaluated out of a total of 16 points using the following rubric:

Assessment rubric